Wednesday, January 29, 2014

❋ Hadis tentang mencegah kemungkaran ❋

عَنْ اَبِى سَعِيدِ الْخُدْرِي قَالَ سَمِعْتُ 
رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَقُولُ
مَنْ رَأَى مِنْكُمْ مُنْكَرًا فَلْيُغَيِّرهُ بِيَدِهِ
فَاِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَبِلِسَانِهِ فَاِنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ
فَبِقَلْبِهِ وَذَلِكَ اَضْعَفُ الاِيمَانِ

Daripada Abu Said al Khudri r.a. katanya :

Aku mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, "Sesiapa dikalangan kamu yang melihat KEMUNGKARAN maka hendaklah dia MENCEGAH dengan tangannya sekiranya dia tidak mampu hendaklah dia menegah dengan lidahnya, sekiranya dia tidak mampu maka dengan hatinya, dan itulah SELEMAH-LEMAH IMAN"

- Hadis sahih riwayat Muslim

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

✍ SAP : LSMW Using Batch Input Recording (SHDB) ✍

The LSM Workbench is an R/3-based tool that supports you when transferring data from non-SAP systems ("Legacy Systems") to R/3 once or periodically.

The tool supports conversion of data of the legacy system in a convenient way. The data can then be imported into the R/3 system via batch input, direct input, BAPIs or IDocs.

Furthermore, the LSM Workbench provides a recording function that allows to generate a "data migration object" in an entry or change transaction

To start working with the LSM Workbench, use transaction LSMW.

Click on the create button to create new project, subproject and the object. As shown below:

Project, Subproject and Object:

On the initial screen, you can create a new project, corresponding subprojects and objects via Edit -> Create new entry.

- Project: An ID with a maximum of 10 characters to name your data transfer project. If you want to transfer data from several legacy systems, you may create a project e.g. for every legacy system.

- Subproject: An ID with a maximum of 10 characters that is used as further structuring attribute.

- Object: An ID with a maximum of 10 characters to name the business object.

In the initial screen, All objects provides a list of all projects created already. My objects displays a list of all objects you created personally. All objects of the project displays all objects of the selected project as tree structure. Project documentation displays any documentation written for the individual popups and processing steps. you can print the project documentation out, send it and save it in various file formats.

Click on the execute button once the project, subproject and the object are created:

Click Back.Now record usingBatch Input RecordingData Migration - Step by Stepvia Batch Input Recording

Step 1: Maintain Object attributes

In this example, you will be updating the Material master records with the help of recording a transaction (MM01). Choose radio buttonBatch Input Recordingand click on the recording overview icon to record the R/3 transaction. Enter theRecordingname asMM01_REC2, the description asMM01 Recording method, and the transaction code asMM01.

Click on create to record the transaction.

Click on Done.

Click on Done to actually start recording the transaction.
Enter the fields required for recoding a transaction successfully.

Note that the fields are populated with default values. The values you entered when you recorded the transaction are set by default.

*Double-click on the fieldRMMG1-MATNRand enter the name asMATNRand the description asMATERIAL NUMBERand remove the default as shown below:

Repeat this step for all fields.Similarly, double-click on all other fields with default values and make appropriate changes. Once you have made changes, the recording overview screen looks as shown below:

Click on SAVE to save the recording. The click on BACK icon to the main screen. Save the while going back to the main screen.

After completing the recoding the system will automatically take you to the second step as shown below:

Step 2. Maintain Source Structures

Click on CREATE to create a source structure. Give a name and a description to the source structure as shown below:

Save the source structure and go to the main screen.

Step 3. Maintain Source Fields

In this step, you need to list what fields are present in the source structure. The easiest way is to click on 'Table Maintenance' icon to enter Fieldname, Type and Length for each field as shown:

Save while coming back to the main screen.

Step 4: Maintain Structure Relations

Execute a step to 'Maintain Structure Relations'. Since, there is only one Source and Target Structure, the relationship is defaulted automatically.

Save while coming back to the main screen.

Step 5: Maintain field mapping and conversion rules

Keep cursor on field 'MATNR' and click on 'Assign Source field' icon to choose source field MATERIAL from structure MM01V6 as shown

Save while coming back to the main screen.

Step 6: Maintain fixed values, translations, user-defined routines

You can also maintain re-usable translations and user-defined routines, which can be used across conversion tasks. In this case, that step is not required.

Step 7: Specify files

In this step, we define how the layout of the input file is. The input file is a [Tab] delimited with the first row as field names. It is present on my PC (local drive) as C:\MM3.txt.

Double Click on the legacy data.

ツ KeK CoKLaT KuKuS ツ

۵ Bahan-bahan ( 10 orang ) ۵

Bahan A
• 2 Biji telur (kalau kecil 3 biji)
• 1 Cawan minyak masak
• Sedikit Esen vanilla / coklat
• 1 cawan gula

Bahan B
• 2 Cawan tepung gandum
• 1 Cawan serbuk koko
• 1 Sudu kecil soda bikarbonat

Bahan C
• 1 Cawan susu pekat manis
• 1 Cawan air masak

۵ Cara-cara ۵
1. Blend bahan A
2. Ayak bahan B
3. Campur sebati bahan C
4. Bahan A dicampur ke bahan B
5. Bahan A+B tadi dicampur ke bahan C,kacau sebati
6. Kukus selama 1 @ 2 jam..bila dh masak, biarkan sejuk dulu sblm letak topping...

۵ Topping ۵
• 3-5 sudu besar susu pekat
• 1/4 cawan serbuk koko van houten
• 2 sudu besar butter
• 2 sudu besar susu segar

## Utk topping...campurkan semua bhn dan masak secara double boiler. Then boleh curahkan kat atas kek yg dh sejuk td.. Hiaslah apa suka...Pastu simpan dlm peti sejuk beberapa jam sebelum dipotong. Taraa...dh siap...bleh la makan.... ##

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ikan Siakap Masam Manis

1 ekor ikan siakap - goreng siap

2 biji cili merah
1 biji bwg besar
1 biji tomato
1/2 biji timun batang- buang yg tengah
Lada benggala
* bhn atas ni di potong dadu yer...

Utk sos :

3 ulas bwg putih - diketuk
3 sudu besar sos cili
3 sudu besar sos tomato
2 sudu besar gula pasir
Sedikit air , garam dan serbuk perasa

Cara nak masak...

Panas minyak masak dlm kuali , tumis bwg putih hingga berbau...msuk bwg besar ..pastu masuk bhn sos ..kacau , last masuk bhn yg di dadu td( jgn lama nnti layu x sedap ) rasakn dgn garam , gula n tutup api...siappp!!.